Showing 1–9 of 10 results
Barraquer Needle Holder very delicate curved jaws with lock without lock
Barraquer Needle Holder delicate jaws straight with lock straight without lock curved with lock curved without lock
Barraquer Needle Holder short model standard jaws curved with lock with out lock
Barraquer Wire speculum small large , heavy wire
Grandon Barraquer wire speculum with suture notches or holes to obtin additional traction for the upper lid wire blades solid blades
Feaster Barraquer wire speculum wide solid blades
Mclntyer Wire speculum with gently curved spring v shaped blades help to retain disposable drap under lids close wire open wire
Kartz-Barraquer wire speculum with open blades for unobstruted access to the cataract incision with phaco or I/A tip heavy wire large standard wire large standard wire small
Wire Speculum with wings for retracting surgical drape while allowing unobstructed access to the cataract incision with phaco or I/A tip standard sire small