Showing 541–549 of 635 results
MCPherson Needle Holder very delicate jaws straight, with lock straight with lock straight witout lock curved with lock curved withoutlock
Needle Holder Delicate conical jaws straight with lock curved with lock curved without lock
Castroviejo Standard jaws, with lock staraight curved
Kalt Needle Holder straight smooth jaws delicate
Drews Needle Holder extra delicate jaws straight with lock straight without lock curved with lock curved without lock
Barraquer needle Holder short model very delicate jaws straight with lock straight without lock curved with lock curved without lock
Anis Needle Holder extra delicate jaws straight with lock straight without lock, straight without lock, curved, with lock, curved without lock
Katena Needle Holder extra delicate jaws straight with lock , straight without lock, curved withlock , curved with out lock
Mclnyre Fish Hook Needle Holder extra delicate jaws straight with lock